Basilica of Pompeii

3d model and reconstruction

Basilica of Pompeii

For the reconstruction of the Basilica we used the original drawings by the French 19th century archaeologist F. Mazois, correcting a few imprecisions as regards the actual structure and measurements, under the careful supervision of the Soprintendenza agli Scavi in Pompeii.

We also based our work on the studies by the French archaeologist in particular for the first-style decorations inside the building.

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Short history of

Basilica of Pompeii

The Basilica is found very close to one of the city gates, along the road that connected the Forum to the port.  It was built, along with the public monuments in the southern part of the Forum, towards the end of the II century BC, when authorities decided to provide the built-up area of the Samnite period with a new monumental center.

Before construction was begun, all the buildings standing in the area were destroyed, and the sloping hillside was covered with a thick layer of soil and debris to provide an even surface.

Only later was its entrance hidden by the portico of Popidius, built just before or just after the foundation of the colony, to conceal the irregular facades of the buildings at the southern end of the Forum.