The Romanesque architecture

3d model and reconstruction

The Romanesque architecture

Our reconstruction shows a virtual building site for a Romanesque church, including the typical elements of this style.

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Short history of

The Romanesque architecture

The Romanesque architecture identifies that style between the previous Carolingian architecture and subsequent Gothic architecture developed between the tenth and thirteenth centuries. The name recalls the origin of its main components, a set of typical forms derived from Roman, more particularly from the early Christian architecture: the basilica, the round arch, the space enclosed by arches. The grounth of cities, trade and handicraft production allow the formation of a skilled labor with an intense circulation of artists. Born in France, Romanesque architecture spread throughout Europe finding fertile ground in Italy. Its architectural expression, associated with highly figurative sculpture that invades all the architectural elements, mainly include religious buildings. Symbol of this constructive renewal is the cathedral.The compositional system is set on the basic geometric shapes, such as squares to define the plant and the triangle for the elevation. Most of the churches adopts predominantly a longitudinal plan with three naves, divided into square modules with the larger center flanked by two lower side aisles. The traditional roof with wooden structure is first replaced by barrel vaults and finally from the cross vault, the weight of which was to be downloaded on large walls supported by massive pillars, columns and semicircular arcades where it was difficult to open windows. The darkness and the gloom prevail over the light. The greatest innovations occur in the terminal building. The central nave, a real square covered with its horizontal approach, is the fundamental place of worship, while the transept crossing identifies a path of asceticism that ascended from the crypt to the sky.