Das Alte Rom 3.0 Deluxe
Customer | United Soft Media Verlag GmbH, München, National Geographic |
Subject | Archeology |
Purpose | Consult / Resource, Educational |
Year | 2008 |
Format | DVD-Rom |
Version 3.0 of Das Alte Rom.
The DVD/CD-Rom Das Alte Rom is a virtual navigation in space and time through the evolution of the urban and architectonical tissue of the Eternal City.
Access to the most important monuments is provided either through an alphabetical and chronological list, or by sailing from a bird’s eye view above and into a complete model of the ancient city, reconstructed from the model made by Italo Gismondi in 1937. This virtual immersion device gives users a panoramic view of the city and the ability to zoom in directly to more than 100 active areas of the most important archaeological sites of the city.
Then, by selecting and clicking on a single area, it is possible to zoom in and enter its virtual reconstruction and its present state.
In Das Alte Rom users will be able to access hundreds of hypertext cards not only about monuments but also covering every aspect of Roman daily life 2000 years ago.
All the information presented has been compiled and checked by a staff of archaeologists and university professors, currently engaged in excavations in Rome.
The DVD/CD-Rom Das Alte Rom also includes a rare iconographical legacy from the 1850s: ‘Gli edifizj di Roma Antica’ (Buildings of Ancient Rome) by Luigi Canina. This book contains masterful drawings by the famous architect who worked for the Borghese family.
The DVD Ancient Rome Tour has been published in Italian, German and French.
An abridged CD-Rom edition has been published in Italian and English.
The DVD / CD-Rom Ancient Rome Tour, published in several languages, is a multimedia project dedicated to the virtual reconstruction of ancient Rome, developed with the support of the EU under the development MEDIA2 program.
1st Prize ‘Best Interactive Product’ at PREMIO WEDEKIND 2004 ” Quotidiano IL TEMPO ” Roma 17.09.2004
‘Visuellement stupéfiant, ce produit est aussi une somme d’informations culturelles et scientifiques remarquable.’, high-tech, ‘Une balade virtuelle à Rome, de l’Antiquité au XXIe siècle’, T. Pigot, 10.01.2003
‘Il viaggio nella Roma imperiale restaurata’ al computer ha davvero dell’incredibile. Il film di Roma antica non è una delle tante creazioni in realtà virtuale, bensì la minuziosa e fedele ricostruzione archeologica realizzata da un gruppo di artisti del computer insieme ad un pool di studiosi universitari’. Corriere della Sera, ‘Roma nel tempo: viaggio’ in DVD – Ricostruzioni archeologiche al computer’, Luca Zanini, 27.03.2002
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