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High resolution images for exhibitions, museums, books and magazines for:

Alberto Angela, Una giornata nell’antica Roma, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 2007; ed. tedesca: Ein Tag im Alten Rom, Verlagsgruppe Random House, Munchen 2009; ed. inglese: A Day in the Life of Ancient Rome, Europa editions, 2009; ed. Giapponese, Tuttle-Mori Agency, Inc. Tokyo, 2010

Philip Matyszak, Ancient Rome on 5 Denarii a Day, Thames & Hudson, UK, 2007 e tutte le edizioni tradotte.

Back in Time: Gladiator – A humorous guide to becoming a gladiator in the 2nd Century, Becker&Mayer!, USA, 2008

Focus Storia, Gruner und Jahr/Mondadori

AIRONE, Editoriale Giorgio Mondatori