The Temple of Khonsu at Karnak

The Temple of Khonsu at Karnak

The Temple of Khonsu at Karnak 3d model and reconstruction The Temple of Khonsu at Karnak A reconstruction of temple cross-section is presented here to show the structure of the building. Apart from the images in the viewer, on request, it is possible to have other...
The Temple of Amun in Karnak

The Temple of Amun in Karnak

The Temple of Amun in Karnak 3d model and reconstruction The Temple of Amun in Karnak The reconstruction of the large walls around Amon and the monuments included there, the basin and canal reaching the Nile which was crossed by sacred boats, gives us a view of the...


Karnak 3d model and reconstruction Karnak The reconstruction of the large walls around Amon and of the monuments it incoludes allows us to enter the heart of the sanctuary. The images show the courtyard with the pillar and the inside of the hypostyle hall whose...